企業理念 - Management philosophy –
Customer first
We adhere to our obligations in order to benefit our customers, financial institutions and business partners.
Compliance with professional standards
We act in good faith and fulfill our corporate and social responsibilities in good faith.
Establishing a partnership
By focusing on building trust and customer satisfaction, we will build better and longer relationships with our customers.
代表挨拶 - CEO Greeting –
弊社は、不動産の売買におきまして、投資家の皆様の意図を汲みながら、法令を守りながら、 目的に合致した的確な物件のご紹介など、ご要望にお応えすることを目標として皆様には少し馴染みのない社名となりました。
不動産投資は、投資額が大きいことから、まだまだ心理的な敷居が高いかと思います。先ずは、初めの一歩から、良きパートナーとしてお話しをお聞かせ頂ければ幸いです。Airspace refers to the range of altitudes that are set for the safe flight of an aircraft. Especially in controlled AIRSPACE, each aircraft is controlled by ATC (Air Traffic Control). Aircraft and ATC communicate with each other with respect, complying with laws and regulations to ensure safety and efficient operation.
We aim to introduce real estate to customers that meets their demands through a good understanding of their intentions, whilst complying with laws and regulations. Airspace is an unfamiliar company name for many clients. However, our goal is to provide a positive environment for all parties involved.
Most of us tend to hesitate with investing in properties due to the large initial cost and commitment. I understand how you feel because I have been there. First, let me hear about your interests as your partner.
エアスペース株式会社 CEO 榎本千里
Airspace Inc. CEO Chisato Enomoto
プロフィール - profile –
筑波大学 工学システム(Bs) 卒業
ニューヨーク大学 スターン経営大学院(MSc) 修了
米国本社に転勤後、10年間をニューヨークに在住、 ITバブル・クレジットバブルとともに911の悲劇を経験
ニューヨーク在住時代より、不動産投資を始める。 ファイナンスと外資金融の知識を活かし、多くのクライアントに役立つべく、 不動産投資コンサルティング及び売買の仲介会社を起業、現在に至る。
University of Tsukuba Engineering System (Bs)
New York University Stern Graduate School of Business (MSc)
Work History
National Australia Bank, Tokyo branch
Deutsche Bank Group, Tokyo, Japan
Morgan Stanley, New York and Tokyo branch
Nissan Motor Company Head Office
Began investing in real estate since living in New York.
Established an investment consulting and real estate agency to serve clients and investors using knowledge of finance and investment banking.
– 宅地建物取引士
– CFA協会認定証券アナリスト
– 日本証券アナリスト協会検定会員
– 米国公認会計士
– 日商簿記1級
– 実用英語検定1級
– 情報処理技術者1種
– 証券外務員1種
– 米国航空管理局認定 事業用多発航空機免許
– 1級小型船舶免許
– 大型自動二輪免許
– Registered Real Estate Notary
– Certified Financial Analyst – CFA institute
– CMA Japan Securities Analyst Association Member
– Class I- The Official Business Skills Test in Bookkeeping
– Class I Information Technology Engineer
– Certified Securities Broker Representative
– FAA Commercial Pilot Multi-Engine Land
– Class 1 Boat license
– Large